Online Shop :

At Placerville Hardware, in Placerville, CA, we have everything you need.

If you have an upcoming home improvement project, we’ll provide supplies and advice with a personal touch. We offer services the big box stores simply can’t.

While you’re here, enjoy our rich history and take a look at gifts and souvenirs from the “Oldest Hardware Store West of the Mississippi.”

Placerville Hardware, and all its previous iterations and names, has been a staple in the community since 1854. Since then, we’ve been doing what we do best: providing top-quality service

Services We Provide

> Gift Certificates 
> Gift Registry

> Key Cutting
> Gold Mining Supplies

> Rekeying Locks
> Metal Detectors

> Special Orders
> Window & Screen Repair

We can’t wait to show you our inventory and our history!

Shop With Us Today